I have a confused problem

I use GitHub to login the anaconda online notebook, and create some ipynb file, but today I use GitHub account to login, the workspace clear, and user id does not become the same, how to fix it?

Hi Tim,

Could you provide the URL that you are using today? It should include a long hash of numbers/letters after the nb.anaconda.cloud/users part of the URL.

And if possible, check your browser history to see if the URL is the same as the one you were using yesterday? This should enable us to establish exactly which log in details it’s using.


yesterday: https://nb.anaconda.cloud/jupyterhub/user/67f8de9c-c8f9-447a-b91d-edc5c6de1c36/lab/tree/IOV_test.ipynb


please help me, the code is important to me

Thx, you are right, they are not same, but I am confused, which account I used

My github account is same with my anaconda email account, today I see the issues, and badly try to change the email address, so sad, please help me, really thx!

I even does not see this hint before

Does your system update the account system recently?

Yes we recently switched our authentication to use Ory. Did you manage to access the account that had your files?

Unfortunately, I can not even access https://nb.anaconda.cloud/jupyterhub/user/67f8de9c-c8f9-447a-b91d-edc5c6de1c36/lab/tree/IOV_test.ipynb

67f8de9c-c8f9-447a-b91d-edc5c6de1c36, please help me to restore, thx

Now the user id is still: f484a110-16c5-400d-b876-990ac8854de3

There must be some issues with Ory, I believe they have some issues to make user id “67f8de9c-c8f9-447a-b91d-edc5c6de1c36” lost, I only use my github to login, where is my account?

My github’s email is same with anaconda registered email


Could you try logging out of your anaconda.cloud account and clearing your cache and cookies and then logging in again (or login in an incognito window). With regards to the yellow verification banner, that is our legacy verification. You may have an account via Github login and one via your email. Let us know what happens when you clear cache/cookies.

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What is your email address connected with the account?

email: timdavid@vip.qq.com

Nothing happen, still when I clear cache and cookie, I even try a new desktop. userid still f484a110-16c5-400d-b876-990ac8854de3

I also try “Sign up” and using Github to link to our apps, but nothing happens, even can not login but jump to Ory system.

Any update for this question?

Any update for my question?

Hi Tim, I’ve escalated this to another team now to see if they are able to resolve. Apologies for the delay.


I can confirm that you have a verified (Ory Authenticated) account for timdavid@vip.qq.com that you created on October 2nd. It is associated with the user ID,

The other ID that you have given us: 67f8de9c-c8f9-447a-b91d-edc5c6de1c36
belongs to a completely different email address–but also verified–and was created on September 1, 2023, 3:29 AM. Is there another email address that you remember using to create an account.

I will also sync with @JackEvans and the escalation team, but I have a few suggestions.

To sign in to the timdavid@vip.qq.com, clear your cache and cookies and go to anaconda.cloud/sign-in.

Use timdavid@vip.qq.com to login. Do not use github or another SSO. If you do not remember your password, ask to reset your password.

If that still does not work, clear cache/cookies again and try logging in using Github.

If you end up at the Ory experience page once again, logout of that page. To logout, go to the bottom left (sidebar) of the Ory experience page, there you will see a logout button. Click on it and see if it will bring you back to your homepage. If it does, click on your cloud notebooks link on the top nav bar and see if you are in the correct account with what you need.