Menus do not work on

Hi, Anaconda seems to not work after I sign in. When I click on the “Home” or “Notebooks” menus, nothing happens. I also cannot access my profile to be able to delete my account. Has anyone ever experienced that issue? And if yes, could they solve it? Thank you

Hey @laetitia.misson! Thanks for posting :slight_smile:

Could you add a screenshot of the issues you are seeing and let us know which browser you are using? We haven’t had any reported cases of the buttons on the top toolbar not working so I’m keen to see if we can resolve the issue. Just to confirm the buttons you are clicking should do the following:

  1. Home should just take you
  2. Notebooks should open our cloud hosted JupyterLab at
  3. Profile icon in the top right should show a dropdown as shown in this screenshot.

If you would like to delete your account I think it may be best to go through to our User Care so that you can securely provide your account information, rather than here in an open forum.


Hi Jack,

Thank you for your fast response. I tried to use both Firefox and Google Chrome to sign in to, and both gave me the same results (see screenshot below).

As you can see, I get an almost blank page and the profile icon does not show my initials. So when I try to click on the profile icon, nothing happens. When I click on Notebooks, the same page as displayed on the screenshot is loaded. Is it possible to have my account deleted through your User care, and then sign up again?

Thank you for your help.

Best regards,

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