Problem with my anaconda accounts

I have two separate accounts. each one of them with different email. the first account with (email1@… for example) I subscribed for starter. Moreover, using the second account with this email:( email2@…) I subscribed to the pro. But when I log in with the pro account and I lunch code online I do not find the features of the pro subscriber. Please I want to get the desired features for each subscribed account. I means, I want to log in to the anaconda services by [email1) and get the features of all starter subscriber. And in the same time I log in using the another account :frowning: email2) in another page (new tap in the browser) and I get the features of all pro subscriber. So I will have two separate sessions with anaconda at the same time in my laptop. But what I get know: I have got the same url when I lunched the new code: lab - JupyterLab ( for all my accounts. Please, I need support to solve this issue.

I think the only way to achieve that would be to use an incognito tab for the paid account – could you try that and see if it helps?