Spyder 5.1.5/Spyder 4.2 Issues

I have been using Spyder 4.2 for roughly a year without issue. Upon opening and coding for roughly 15 minutes today the Application started freezing mid program constantly. Restarting the kernal unfreezes it, then upon running code same issue. Starts freezing. I uninstalled all Anaconda related software and reinstalled the newest version. 5.1.5 Spyder is what it installed upon re installing Anaconda. Same issue. I get not Tracebacks upon hitting the stop button when it freezes and no internal error messages now. Although I did get some internal messages on version 4.2 before uninstalling.

Those Error messages showed this when opening the “Show Details” on Spyder 4.2

ite-packages\spyder\plugins\ipythonconsole\widgets\debugging.py", line 278, in _handle_input_request
return super(DebuggingWidget, self)._handle_input_request(msg)
File “C:\Users\xxxxx\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\qtconsole\frontend_widget.py”, line 512, in _handle_input_request
self._readline(msg[‘content’][‘prompt’], callback=callback, password=msg[‘content’][‘password’])
File “C:\Users\xxxxx\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\qtconsole\console_widget.py”, line 2422, in _readline
self._show_prompt(prompt, newline=False, separator=False)
TypeError: _show_prompt() got an unexpected keyword argument ‘separator’

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated!

Unfortunately to debug where this error is occurring, you would need to post the relevant code that is failing below
 it would help if you can pinpoint the error to a single line or just a few lines of the code where it seems to hang.

Hope this helps.

Stephen Weller
Anaconda Support Engineer

Same here. I’ve been facing same error in Spyder 5.1.5 in Anaconda 2022.05.

a = int(input())

this simple code also throws an internal error in Spyder. Is there any way to fix it?
Anaconda should provide stable packages with the installer.

It looks like it is a python interpreter problem of some sort, as Spyder itself is not crashing, just displaying an error. I will try to track down the problem, but I am not sure it is a problem with conda or Anaconda.

I think this is related, but can’t be certain.

I teach a python to a class of ~40 students, on a classroom computer that gets reset each night, so I’m installing it 3 times a week.

Currently installing Anaconda 2022.05 (the current default installer) results in a complete install including Spyder 5.1.5. Spyder will launch and appear to work until you try to actually run a program that includes input(), at which point spyder will report an internal error and the kernel will hang.

The solution that we found was to do the following sequence from an anaconda prompt:

  1. update conda (conda update conda)
  2. update anaconda (conda update anaconda)
  3. update anaconda navigator, which may not be necessary (conda update anaconda-navigator)
  4. update spyder to the newest available version in the repo (conda install spyder=5.2.2 )

the last step will retry a couple times before settling on a repo and successful solve solution. After that I found that it ran with no issues.

Over the last few semesters, I’ve found that upgrades of Anaconda and Spyder to be especially problematic, there always seems to be an issue upgrading one or both. Previously I’ve encountered difficulties upgrading Spyder from 5.0.5 to 5.1.5, and I continue to encounter issues with all of the above on Windows if there are spaces in the profile path (i.e., the user has a space in their username). I’ve been able to work around all of them, but it’s very tiring explaining what to do to 40 intro to python students when each semester the issues are always new and different. My understanding is that the latest version of Anaconda for M1 Macs won’t even run Spyder as they updated Anaconda to M1 native support, but Qt, which is necessary for Spyder, hasn’t been updated yet.

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It may be an interaction with conda or anaconda, but it’s definitely a Spyder issue as well. I can reproduce the issue with any clean install of Anaconda 2022.05 on Windows. Running input() from either a program or the console results in the error.

Updating Spyder to version 5.2.2 resolves the issue (after updating Anaconda first).

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