Please help, cannot install on Win 10 - ERROR


I’m trying to install Anaconda3-2022.05-Windows-x86_64.exe on Windows 10.

It finishes, but only Anaconda Prompt in start menu. No other sub options.

Getting this error during instal, then it goes passed it:
ERROR An error occurred while installing package ‘defaults::debugpy-1.5.1-py39hd77b12b_0’.

Installs here: C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3 with the following only (e.g. no scripts folder)


Thank you!

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dear matt_gibbs.

Thank you for posting.
A similar phenomenon was also reported on StackOverflow. Causes include “PythonPATH is set” and “Error writing environment variables” by default.

Some packages are already installed, so we recommend that you install them again.

conda clean --all

Referenced URLs:

Regards, you.

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