I am facing this error: Anaconda3 2023.07-2 (64-bit) Setup Failed to link extracted packages to F:\anacond. Please check logs. PLEASE HELP

Error - Anaconda3 2023.07-2 (64-bit) Setup

Failed to link extracted packages to F:\anacond. Please check
ERROR conda.core.link:_execute(740): An error occurred while installing package 'de… Rolling back transaction: …working… done

CondaError: Cannot link a source that does not exist. F:\anacond\pkgs\qt-main-5.15… Running conda dean -packages may resolve your problem.

I am trying to install latest version of anaconda 2023 , but it is giving this error ,please help how can i fix this issue

Please help!!

I just have the same issue you dealing with. Could someone answer us how can be fix this fail and install the app.


Have you tried running the command listed in the error output yet?
If yes, can you provide the error output from running that command here?

Thank you.

Running that command: -->>>>>>>>> conda clean -packages
or rather, in my case having to run -->> _conda clean -packages
does not solve my issue (same as the others here). It installed **_**conda.exe that way… (I was signed in as Admin)

Guess I’ll uninstall it and reinstall the program in a created c:\anaconda3 folder to see if this fixes everything rather than the “programdata” folder it selected on its own… install program does NOT like spaces (i.e. Program Files)

I did have programdata in the path in system environment variables.

Note: The install processes sits on this extract for ~ 5 - 8 minutes:
Extract: _anaconda_depends-2024.06-py312_mkl_2.conda