Anaconda update fails

First I must confess to say that I never experienced such a bad software update management as I did with conda (to update Anaconda).
The simple command
conda update anaconda
runs for hours and does not give any useful result. I used it on different systems - so I think it’s the software not me.
I wanted to update spyder and was told to use 2 commands - the first of them conda update anaconda. Even the simpler command “conda update conda” gives several “failed” messages and runs for an hour already. Are there any other ideas to update spyder or at least to suppress the spyder message that it wants to get updated?

The obvious thing to do ought to be

conda update spyder

(run in the same environment as that in which spyder is installed, or with the -n flag to specify another envirnonment)

Have you tried this?

“Anaconda” is a meta package with loads of dependencies, and conda is a package that should only be installed in your “base” environment; in this sense, both are special.

I have the same issue but I will be more specific:

I installed Anaconda, using the graphical tool, on a MacBook Pro M2 running MacOS 13.2.1 with the terminal using z shell. (I would have switched to bash, but I forgot). I had to run the z-init commands suggested for the command line install to get the install to work.

I was able to “verify” the install. Conda lists the packages. Python starts. I can start Navigator from the command line.

I was able to update Spyder (which suggested an update the first time I opened it). Jupyter works with Python. But…

…the command ‘conda update anaconda’ (which was suggested as a first step to updating Spyder) fails with this message:

" PackageNotInstalledError: Package is not installed in prefix.
prefix: /Users/thomasbarson/anaconda3
package name: anaconda"

This command works on my other computer (a 2018 vintage MacBook air) which uses the bash shell.