Update of Anaconda triggers an error: InvalidVersionSpecError

When I start Anaconda, it asks me to update.
When I try to update, I get the error in image below.

I’ve searched google, GitHub and others for a solution, without success.
I tried several command in CMD, failed each time.
conda update anaconda-navigator
conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda config --remove channels conda-forge
conda update -n base conda
conda update anaconda-navigator
conda install anaconda=custom

At one point I managed to run this command successfully on the command line: conda create -n conda_env python==3.12.2

When I start Anaconda, it keeps telling me that this is version 1.9.2 and that I need to upgrade to 2.5.3, with the same error.

Could you help me solve my Anaconda update issue?