Anaconda Navigator Updater Error


When I attempt to use Anaconda Navigator Updater to update from current version 1.6.8 to 2.3.2, I receive a “Cannot update Anaconda Navigator, UnsatisfiableError” dialog box on my screen.

How do I go about updating anaconda?


Can you please try updating anaconda navigator from a Anaconda command window prompt as follows:

conda update anaconda-navigator

If this fails, you should get additional error output. Please attach it below, if it fails this way.

Stephen Weller
Anaconda Support Engineer

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To fix the Cannot update Anaconda Navigator, UnsatisfiableError error, use the “conda update anaconda-navigator” command or use the “conda install anaconda=custom” command to be able to update anaconda-navigator.

The error occurs when you try to update Anaconda Navigator due to conflicting dependencies between the packages that need to be updated and the current packages installed in the system.

Didn’t work , the terminal gave an error as well.