Plans for the docs?

Having just seen the versioning announcement, here, I was wondering if that might in turn allow decisions / announcements on where the docs will reside?

I happened to stumble across this link: Redirecting, which seems to follow the versioning (but there are no unstable / releases versions up as yet). However there’s a warning message saying

Please note, this documentation is just a placeholder and should not be used in reference material. Thank you!

which made me think maybe somewhere else was planned for the docs longer term?

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Hey @neil
Thanks for asking, yes. We do have plans to work on the docs long term.
Right now we’re establishing an outline of what we want to have.
We want to have either an open thread here but most likely an issue on github where we can share the tasks we have to complete to improve the docs.

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Sounds good.

It’s great to see all those well worded answers to the most common issues that have been added to the FAQs in the docs, i only just saw how far along they’d come

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Btw that docs section on the dashboard looks like a really good way to track progress and be transparent on plans :tada:

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