Installation issues on MacOS after trying to uninstall

Hi! I am very new to Python in general and Anaconda. I had a version installed but it did not open anymore. I tried to delete Anaconda following these steps:
rm -rf ~/anaconda3
conda install anaconda-clean THIS LINE DOES NOT SEEM TO WORK, it outputs the following error message: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘conda.gateways.anaconda_client’

When I try reinstalling Anaconda, I get the following error message:
Anaconda3 is already installed in /Users/“name”/opt/anaconda3. Use ‘conda update anaconda’ to update Anaconda3

When I try running ‘conda update anaconda’ in the terminal, I get the following message: No module named ‘conda.gateways.anaconda_client’

Any suggestions on how to proceed? I have very limited knowledge on how to fix this. Thanks a lot!

Hi, It looks like you didn’t get an answer/support. Did you solve this issue?