Install Anaconda when using custom toolchain location

How do I install Anaconda from source like every other package in the word? I am unable to find a standard source tar with a standard ./configure script.

I have tried editing the .sh file to point to my non-root linker in /nfs/xyz/lib/ and using LD_LIBRARY_PATH by removing the “unset LD_LIBRARY_PATH” line with no luck.

I can install most linux packages like cmake and python on my toolchain and they work just fine. But, when I try to install Anaconda it defaults to the root /lib/ linker and complains about the GLIBC version (the whole reason I have my own toolchain).

Is there an easy way to override the .sh file’s linker path without corrupting the silly appended tar file?

lol I can only edit but can’t delete this comment. I made the edit to my post which this comment referenced. line 354: /nfs/xyz/usr/anaconda3/conda.exe: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error

conda.exe looks like: ^?ELF^B^A^A^@etc…/nfs/xyz/lib/^@etc…

cat /etc/os-release

(you can see why I need a custom toolchain with a newer GLIBC version)