Anaconda Installation Runtime Error

Hello everyone.

I am trying to install anaconda with the following command:


However, the installation does not complete and I see the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "concurrent/futures/", line 424, in wait_result_broken_or_wakeup
  File "multiprocessing/", line 251, in recv
TypeError: InvalidArchiveError.__init__() missing 1 required positional argument: 'msg'

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 176, in _constructor_extract_conda_pkgs
  File "concurrent/futures/", line 449, in result
  File "concurrent/futures/", line 401, in __get_result
concurrent.futures.process.BrokenProcessPool: A process in the process pool was terminated abruptly while the future was running or pending.

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 314, in <module>
  File "", line 306, in main
  File "", line 214, in _constructor_subcommand
  File "", line 178, in _constructor_extract_conda_pkgs
RuntimeError: Failed to extract /home/<my-username>/anaconda3/pkgs/pyarrow-16.1.0-py312h526ad5a_0.conda: A process in the process pool was terminated abruptly while the future was running or pending.
[29867] Failed to execute script 'entry_point' due to unhandled exception!

Please help me understand how this can be resolved. Thank you.

Good morning,

Please follow the instructions to install dependencies here:

If the first solution doesn’t work what you can do is use our Miniconda installer which is very fast and then convert it into Anaconda to get the full experience, you can do that if you follow these simple steps:

1 - Download Miniconda here:

2- Launch the terminal from your start menu.

3- Install Anaconda with this command:

conda install anaconda anaconda-navigator

4 - Now you should be able to use Anaconda

Please let us know if that worked for you and we will be very happy to help you if you need anything else.

Thank you for the feedback.

I was able to install Anaconda after downloading Miniconda.

Now I trying to execute conda update notebook, but I am seeing the following error:

PackageNotInstalledError: Package is not installed in prefix.
  prefix: /home/<my-username>/miniconda3
  package name: notebook

Hi again,

Please run:

conda install jupyter

jupyter lab

This is an improved version

I take your point regarding jupyter lab being an improved version of jupyter notebook.

By the way, jupyter notebook is also working now.

Thank you so much!