This application failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin "windows in ""

I installed anaconda (currently conda version 23.5.0, anaconda-client 1.11.2, anaconda nevigator 2.4.2)

My case is that when the Windows opened (started up), it will show the AppService message immediately as

This application failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin “windows” in"", Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.

I did not know which application generating this issue, and I did not install the Qt separately, I just installed the Anaconda distribution for installing the Python, in the Anaconda I can find that it installed the package “qt-main” (Qt5), I tried to launch the Qt related applications Qt Console, JupyterLab, Jupyter Notebook, they all can run no issues.

I tried to reinstall Anaconda cleaning, the error still happened. I can ignore this issue, it seems there is no effect to the Windows usage. I do not use the Qt but I am not sure this issue if it will affect my system, because my system now often happened some troubles and the Windows Troubleshooter can not fix them, I need to reboot the PC then I can resume the system in normal situation.

I searched the issue on internet the solution is setting the path to find the qwindows.dll, could you help me to set Windows path for finding the .dll file in anaconda environment, thanks!