I am the author of four established Python packages in the Anaconda repository: fluids, ht, chemicals, and thermo. I’m reaching out to request the inclusion of these packages in the whitelisted collection of libraries available in Python for Excel.
The packages respectively focus on fluid mechanics, heat transfer, chemical properties, and thermodynamics. My packages are used in numerous university courses.
The packages are lightweight, used by numerous other packages, available on conda-forge for 5 years, received ~150K downloads there and millions on PyPI, have 1000+ GitHub stars together, and have had contributions from over 20 individuals.
Chemical engineers are incredibly heavy users of Excel. The calculations available in these packages are exactly the type of calculations that get repetitive or difficult to manage in a Excel sheet. As an example, a complex tank volume calculation involving integrals becomes a single function call:
from fluids.geometry import V_horiz_torispherical
V_horiz_torispherical(D=108., L=156., f=1., k=0.06, h=36)
Thermo also offers easy chemical property retrievals and an extensive databank, for example retrieving the melting point, molecular weight, and formula of propane:
from thermo import Chemical
propane = Chemical('propane')
propane.Tm, propane.MW, propane.formula
(85.5, 44.09562, 'C3H8')
I believe these libraries would significantly enhance Python for Excel’s appeal outside of the data analysis space.