About the Python in Excel category

Ask questions, troubleshoot issues, and learn from professionals about using Python in Excel, Anaconda Toolbox and Anaconda Code, all currently in public beta. We have exciting plans already underway to steadily build on and enhance Python in Excel content as well as Anaconda Toolbox and Anaconda Code features. We appreciate your honest feedback!

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How can I navigate to the page (I saw briefly earlier) that describes the recommended prerequisites and software setup for the 2-6 Oct. course with Dave on Python in Excel (I am registered).

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You should now be able to see the recommended preparation instructions on the course registration page and I’ll post here as well:

Recommended preparation

Are there any plans to be able to install private packages published on Azure PYPI feeds?

Hi GEORGIOS, Only packages in Anaconda Distribution are available at this time. I regret we do not have info or a timeline on when private packages may be offered.

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Are there any ODBC driver libraries supported? I can’t seem to get an import on any of them (i.e., pyodbc, sqlalchemy, etc.), although they’re listed in the Anaconda Distribution list.

Am I doing something wrong?


pyodbc is installed. You can verify this by running:

import pyodbc

However, Python in Excel runs in a container on Azure without open access to the internet. If you are trying to access a database running locally or on the internet, you won’t be able to.

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Hi Jim,

Thanks a million for the response - that makes perfect sense.
Regarding the ODBC, it may possibly be the way it’s configured on my local PC (below is the returned error):
‘Error: (‘01000’, “[01000] [unixODBC][Driver Manager]Can’t open lib ‘SQL Server’ : file not found (0) (SQLDriverConnect)”)’

What’s odd is the auto-suggestion doesn’t populate pyodbc (nor sqlalchemy or pymssql) when I type in “import py…” or “import sqla…”, but, based on what you said above, the issue is irrelevant now. I did read that the Python was cloud-based, but I didn’t put one and one together (dumdum me :sweat_smile:) - it’s possible I was thinking about Python/PowerBI while testing this Python/Excel stuff…

In either case, thank you again, Jim.

Best regards,

I want to make a program that will have 4 columns of 6 four digit numbers for a total of 24 cells, and I want column a-1 to be the one I can change numbers in and when I do change any number the program will change it in the other 23 cells where they are to the new number. example 2-3-4-5 if I were to change the 5 to a 9 it would change the other 23 cells 5 to a nine as well. then I want a button at the bottom to click when I want it to scan my excel spreadsheet and remove all those numbers in my window from the spreadsheet and keep only the numbers in my column a-1. is this possible to do with python because I have about 45,000 cells in my spreadsheet and I need to cut it down. thank you for your help if you can give me any I would appreceate it lol forgive my spelling. my e mail is cfrasier905@gmail.com let me know if you can help?

Hey @cfrasier905. I’m not sure exactly what you’re trying to do and would need more details. But it sounds like what you’re asking for can be done in python, so it can be done in Python in Excel.
It sounds like you want one worksheet to be a source of truth and in another worksheet you have a function looks at cell a1 (for example) as the search term and a2 the replace term. Then with pandas you do a regex replace. At least that’s how I would tackle what I understand. But there are, I’m sure, many ways to skin this proverbial cat.