PyCharm Professional

Hi, I’ve just installed anaconda and pycharm professional. When I try to launch Pycharm from Navigator I get the following error, Can anybody help, please?
This is my first foray into programming!!

2023-02-07 15:18:02.783 pycharm[46768:457176] allVms required 1.8*,1.8+
2023-02-07 15:18:02.787 pycharm[46768:457181] Cannot load JVM bundle: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=3585 “dlopen_preflight(/Applications/ => false, tried: ‘/Applications/’ (mach-o file, but is an incompatible architecture (have ‘arm64’, need ‘x86_64’)), ‘/System/Volumes/Preboot/Cryptexes/OS/Applications/’ (no such file), ‘/Applications/’ (mach-o file, but is an incompatible architecture (have ‘arm64’, need ‘x86_64’))” UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=The bundle doesn’t contain a version for the current architecture., NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=Try installing a universal version of the bundle., NSFilePath=/Applications/, NSDebugDescription=dlopen_preflight(/Applications/ => false, tried: ‘/Applications/’ (mach-o file, but is an incompatible architecture (have ‘arm64’, need ‘x86_64’)), ‘/System/Volumes/Preboot/Cryptexes/OS/Applications/’ (no such file), ‘/Applications/’ (mach-o file, but is an incompatible architecture (have ‘arm64’, need ‘x86_64’)), NSBundlePath=/Applications/, NSLocalizedDescription=The bundle “JBR-17.0.5+1-653.25-jcef 17.0.5” couldn’t be loaded because it doesn’t contain a version for the current architecture.}