Matplotlib figures in excel with anaconda code

Hi all,

I am trying to plot a 3D graph using anaconda code in excel. While I succeeded in doing so, the graph is placed over the cells and not inside one, causing figures to stack on top of each other for every recalculation. How do I configure it so that the graph is placed in the cell of the code (or stored so it can be called from a different cell)?

I tried removing and storing the figure in a variable by returning ax or fig, but that did not work.

btw, integrating python into excel is the best idea ever and I am exited to see where it will go :smile:

Here is my current code:

b_thk = 0.1
w = REF("Inputs!C8")
l = REF("Inputs!B8")
h_diff = REF("Inputs!D8")
C_type = REF("Berekeningen!G3")

def rot_pt(x, y, ang_rad):
    cos_t = np.cos(ang_rad)
    sin_t = np.sin(ang_rad)
    return cos_t * x - sin_t * y, sin_t * x + cos_t * y

def str_sec(ax, l, w, thk, start, h, h_diff=0):
    x_s, y_s, z_s = start
    h_rad = np.radians(h)
    x = [0, l, l, 0, 0]
    y = [0, 0, w, w, 0]
    x_r, y_r = [], []
    for i in range(len(x)):
        x_r.append(rot_pt(x[i], y[i], h_rad)[0] + x_s)
        y_r.append(rot_pt(x[i], y[i], h_rad)[1] + y_s)

    z_b = [z_s, z_s + h_diff, z_s + h_diff, z_s, z_s]
    z_t = [z_s + thk, z_s + h_diff + thk, z_s + h_diff + thk, z_s + thk, z_s + thk]
    verts_b = [list(zip(x_r, y_r, z_b))]
    verts_t = [list(zip(x_r, y_r, z_t))]
    ax.add_collection3d(Poly3DCollection(verts_b, facecolors='blue', linewidths=2, zorder=2, zsort='max'))
   # ax.add_collection3d(Poly3DCollection(verts_t, facecolors='blue', linewidths=2, zorder=3, zsort='min'))

    for i in range(len(x) - 1):
        ax.plot([x_r[i], x_r[i]], [y_r[i], y_r[i]], [z_b[i], z_t[i]], color='gray')

    ax.add_collection3d(Poly3DCollection([[(x_r[i], y_r[i], z_b[i]), 
                                           (x_r[i], y_r[i], z_t[i]), 
                                           (x_r[i + 1], y_r[i + 1], z_t[i + 1]), 
                                           (x_r[i + 1], y_r[i + 1], z_b[i + 1])] 
                                          for i in (0,2)], facecolors='gray', zorder=3))

    loc_leg_pos = [(0, 0), (0, w), (l, 0), (l, w)]
    for local_x, local_y in loc_leg_pos:
        g_x, g_y = rot_pt(local_x, local_y, h_rad)
        ax.plot([g_x + x_s, g_x + x_s], 
                [g_y + y_s, g_y + y_s], 
                [0, z_s + local_x * np.sin(np.arcsin(h_diff / l))], 
                color='gray', zorder=1)

    if l > 3:
        l_int = int(l)
        for i in range(0, l_int // 3):
            add_leg_pos = l_int / (1 + l_int // 3) * (i + 1)
            loc_add_leg_x = add_leg_pos
            g_x_l, g_y_l = rot_pt(loc_add_leg_x, 0, h_rad)
            g_x_r, g_y_r = rot_pt(loc_add_leg_x, w, h_rad)
            ax.plot([g_x_l + x_s, g_x_l + x_s], 
                    [g_y_l + y_s, g_y_l + y_s], 
                    [0, z_s + loc_add_leg_x * np.sin(np.arcsin(h_diff / l))], 
                    color='gray', zorder=1)
            ax.plot([g_x_r + x_s, g_x_r + x_s], 
                    [g_y_r + y_s, g_y_r + y_s], 
                    [0, z_s + loc_add_leg_x * np.sin(np.arcsin(h_diff / l))], 
                    color='gray', zorder=1)

    return (x_r[2], y_r[2], z_s + h_diff), h

def cur_sec(ax, r_in, r_out, thk, start, h, ang=90):
    x_s, y_s, z_s = start
    h_rad = np.radians(h)
    theta = np.linspace(np.radians(-90), np.radians(-90 + ang), 100)
    x_in = r_in * np.cos(theta)
    y_in = r_in * np.sin(theta) + r_in
    x_out = r_out * np.cos(theta)
    y_out = r_out * np.sin(theta) + r_in

    x_in_r, y_in_r = rot_pt(x_in, y_in, h_rad)
    x_out_r, y_out_r = rot_pt(x_out, y_out, h_rad)

    x_in_r += x_s
    y_in_r += y_s 
    x_out_r += x_s
    y_out_r += y_s

    z_b_i = z_s
    z_b_o = z_s
    z_t_i = z_b_i + thk
    z_t_o = z_b_o + thk

    # Draw curved section
    for i in range(len(x_in) - 1):
        ax.plot([x_in_r[i], x_in_r[i]], [y_in_r[i], y_in_r[i]], [z_b_i, z_t_i], color='gray', zorder=3)
        ax.plot([x_out_r[i], x_out_r[i]], [y_out_r[i], y_out_r[i]], [z_b_o, z_t_o], color='gray', zorder=3)

    ax.add_collection3d(Poly3DCollection([[(x_in_r[i], y_in_r[i], z_b_i), 
                                           (x_in_r[i], y_in_r[i], z_t_i), 
                                           (x_out_r[i], y_out_r[i], z_t_o), 
                                           (x_out_r[i], y_out_r[i], z_b_o)] 
                                          for i in range(len(x_in_r) - 1)], facecolors='blue', zorder=2))

    new_h = h + ang

    # Add legs if angle exceeds 45 degrees on both sides of the curve
    if ang > 45:
        # Add leg on the outside of the curve
        mid_angle = np.radians(-90 + ang / 2)
        mid_x_out = r_out * np.cos(mid_angle) + x_s
        mid_y_out = r_out * np.sin(mid_angle) + r_in + y_s
        mid_z_out = z_s + thk  # Assuming legs start at the top of the curved section
        ax.plot([mid_x_out, mid_x_out], [mid_y_out, mid_y_out], [0, mid_z_out], color='gray', zorder=1)

        # Add leg on the inside of the curve
        mid_x_in = r_in * np.cos(mid_angle) + x_s
        mid_y_in = r_in + r_in * np.sin(mid_angle) + y_s
        mid_z_in = z_s + thk  # Assuming legs start at the top of the curved section
        ax.plot([mid_x_in, mid_x_in], [mid_y_in, mid_y_in], [0, mid_z_in], color='gray', zorder=1)

    return (x_out_r[-1], y_out_r[-1], z_s), new_h

def set_axes_equal(ax):
    x_lim = ax.get_xlim3d()
    y_lim = ax.get_ylim3d()
    z_lim = ax.get_zlim3d()
    x_range = abs(x_lim[1] - x_lim[0])
    x_mid = np.mean(x_lim)
    y_range = abs(y_lim[1] - y_lim[0])
    y_mid = np.mean(y_lim)
    z_range = abs(z_lim[1] - z_lim[0])
    z_mid = np.mean(z_lim)
    rad = 0.5 * max([x_range, y_range, z_range])
    ax.set_xlim3d([x_mid - rad, x_mid + rad])
    ax.set_ylim3d([y_mid - rad, y_mid + rad])
    ax.set_zlim3d([z_mid - rad, z_mid + rad])

def plot_conv():
    fig = plt.figure(dpi=150,figsize=(3.65,3.65))
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d', computed_zorder=False)
    ax.set_box_aspect([1.0, 1.0, 1.0])
    start = (0, 0, 1)
    h = 0
    l1 = l / 2 - np.deg2rad(C_type)
    l2 = l / 2 - np.deg2rad(C_type)   
    dh1 = h_diff / 2
    dh2 = h_diff / 2
    end_1, h_1 = str_sec(ax, l1, w, b_thk, start, h, h_diff=dh1)
    end_2, h_2 = cur_sec(ax, 2, 2 + w, b_thk, end_1, h_1, ang=C_type)
    end_3, h_3 = str_sec(ax, l2, w, b_thk, end_2, h_2, h_diff=dh2)

    ax.set_xlabel('x (m)')
    ax.set_ylabel('y (m)')
    ax.set_zlabel('z (m)')

    return ax
plot = plot_conv()```

Hi and welcome!

Thanks for submitting this feedback. So we can better diagnose the issue, can you reply with your platform (Windows, Mac or Online) and your Excel version from File>Account>About).


Windows and I am using Microsoft 365 for business, excel version 2410

Was there an update? The figures are now placed inside the cells

Yes, we just released a major update for Anaconda Code. Image handling now aligns with image handling behavior of Python in Excel.

If the output is Excel Value, the image will be placed in the cell with the option to “Create Reference” as a tooltip on the cell.

If the output is Python Object, the image will be shown in a card view.

I was able to call the figures on top of cells by there figure names before (i.e. Image A1 or something) but now I can call A1.image just like the “old” python in excel which is much easier!

Let’s see how far we can take this, in python you can pan around 3D plots if you open them in a separate window, now are there 3D objects in Excel that you can pan around.
Is there a way to create these 3D objects with python code? (matplotlib?)

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Currently interactive plots aren’t possible with either Python in Excel or with Anaconda Code since doing so primarily involves not just Python but how the plot is rendered with JS. This is something we’ve been discussing and hope to understand it better in the coming months.