Latest Anaconda3 64-bit installer doesn't install the most recent version of Anaconda Navigator

I have deployed Anaconda3 to a lab with 62 computers for use by our students. They are getting prompted to update Navigator, which they cannot do because they do not have administrative rights to the machine. I want to push an updated Anaconda3 installer to the lab, but the latest version available at the website does not include the most recent version of Anaconda Navigator. Is this normal?

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Dear christopher.drew.

Thank you for your posting.

Is this normal?

It depends on the time of year. If it was May 2022, it would have been abnormal. However, it is now September 2022 and due to some improvements, the anaconda-navigator and conda included in the installer are no longer up to date.

Anaconda Inc will let you know when it’s time to distribute the installer containing the latest version.

Best regards