Anaconda install on Mac with R and Python already installed

I am on a Mac, and already have a working R and Python environment.

Am I able to install Anaconda alongside that?

Or will this cause issues down the track?



Hey @nathan I don’t think this should be an issue. Anaconda should isolate your local Python with conda environments.

there is no problem,while you install anaconda,you can get a base environment,and you can also import yours python into anaconda environment,and your anaconda also can use yours R

This is good news as I have a similar issue: I have R already installed independently, and have Anaconda installed for Spyder and Jupyter/Python, but I wish to get Jupyter working with R also.

How do I “import” the existing R?
Do I need a new environment, as How to use the R programming language in Jupyter Notebook — Anaconda documentation suggests? (I have only run single-environment Anaconda until now.)

Thanks, Tom

You need to install the package ‘r-irkernel’ in your conda environment as this will supply the R kernel that you then can select in Jupyter notebook:

conda install -c r r-irkernel