Which Installer for osx.10, Yosemite

I’m new to python, and would like to use AnacondaCE on Mac osx.10, Yosemite. It seems the current installer needs osx.13.
I cannot see how to select the legacy installer for my o/s.
I would prefer a .dmg, if it’s available.

Hi! That information is included in the documentation. There is a table at the bottom of this page that lists outdated OS installer support: Installation — Anaconda documentation
For macOS 10.10 - Use the command line or graphical installers for Anaconda versions 2019.10 and earlier. Download from the archive.
Only .pkg GUI installers are available - no .dmg.
This is probably the one you are interested in: https://repo.anaconda.com/archive/Anaconda3-2019.10-MacOSX-x86_64.pkg