The "requests" module

Anyone else facing this: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘requests’ ?
I’m building an webpage that shows informations about postal code here in Brazil. But it uses an API. Cant we use this library yet?


requests would be impossible to implement in a browser given the way WASM and requests currently work. I believe you must use pyfetch.

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I found this workaround via a requests shim that uses XMLHttpRequest under the hood:

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I’m also having this problem. I made some progress…

  <link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
  <script defer src=""></script>
    - requests
    Hello, world!
    <div id="outputDiv" class="font-mono"></div>
import requests
r = requests.get('')
pyscript.write("outputDiv", r.text)
  • Anything with http:// produces a “Protocol not available” error.
  • Anything with https:// produces a “Can’t connect to HTTPS URL because the SSL module is not available.” error.

I tried loading/importing PyOpenSSL in hopes to fix the https error, but it can’t install cryptography via micropip because it doesn’t have a pure python 3 wheel. It seems that Pyodide has added cryptography, libssl, and _ssl packages, so I’m unsure why there’s an error: Add cryptography, openssl, and _ssl packages by hoodmane · Pull Request #2263 · pyodide/pyodide · GitHub

You can use XMLHttpRequest as @jim.kring mentioned above, but this isn’t ideal imo

  <link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
  <script defer src=""></script>
    Hello, world!
    <div id="outputDiv" class="font-mono"></div>
from js import XMLHttpRequest

req ="GET", "", False)

pyscript.write("outputDiv", str(req.response))

Keep in mind that if you use XMLHttpRequest in this manner that you need to make a web request that has some actual raw output / json. If not it’s going to pop a CORS error, you can disable this tho in your browser if you want.

Easiest way for synchronous text file fetch is using http.open_url from pyodide python api: Python API — Version 0.20.0


The requests module uses the operating system’s TCP socket API. Web browsers do not provide the socket API. This is a security restriction enforced by the browser and is not a limitation of PyScript.

You will need to rewrite your application to use the browser’s Fetch API. PyScript includes a wrapper function for fetch() called PyFetch(). I prefer to directly call fetch() because PyFetch() does not return the HTTP response headers (at this time).


Here is the link to the documentation, showing how to use js.fetch() correctly and access url content.

import json
from pyodide import to_js
from js import Object

request_params = {
  "method": "POST",
  "body": json.dumps({ "some" : "json" }),
  "credentials": "same-origin",
  "headers": { "Content-Type": "application/json" }

resp = await js.fetch(

Also see how pyodide.js.pyfetch can be used to download contents from a url.

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There is a problem with your js.fetch() example. The usage of dict_converter is wrong.


Problems with your example:

  1. dict_converter is parameter of to_js
  2. js is not imported (btw: there is same error in pyodide doc)
  3. you made only request, you probably need also response?```
  4. <py-script> and <py-repl> elements is not asynchronous so will fail with ‘await’ outside function error.
  5. as I write above pyodide.open_url is easiest way how to get request/response for PyScript,

This working javascript fetch example inside python code running with pyodide.runPythonAsync:

import json
from pyodide import to_js
import js
from js import Object

request_params = {
    "method": "POST",
    "body": json.dumps({ "some" : "json" }),
    "credentials": "same-origin",
    "headers": { "Content-Type": "application/json" }
req = await js.fetch('', 
    to_js(request_params, dict_converter=js.Object.fromEntries)
res = await req.json()

Does anyone know how to pass proxies in js.fetch or in pyodide.http.pyfetch… like we could do with python requests

proxies = {
  "http": "",
  "https": "",

requests.get("", proxies=proxies)

In the browser, proxies are setup and managed by the browser and not in your code. Your example has no equivalent in the browser.

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Thanks for your answer, john ! By the way, i’m a great fan of your blog (PyScript part mostly :wink:)

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I am desperately trying to retrieve json data from the link below… I have tried all the solutions I have found, but nothing works for me. :face_with_spiral_eyes: :tired_face:
Any idea? It works with requests…


Amundi funds list

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Start with showing your code. Then add a description of the problem and the error messages from the browser debugger.

For coding problems, a good place is Stack Overflow.