Hi @Dome - the key thing to recall is it’s operating inside the browser’s sandbox.
I’m not an expert on file downloads from browsers but without a file picker how will anything inside be able to know of and/or access a file location outside the sandbox?
Depending on your browser, you may be able to tell it to save any downloads to a default location but that’s a browser specific thing and happens without what’s inside the browser being aware.
Using the File System Access API, The File System Access API: simplifying access to local files may allow a little more advanced handling but i think it’s still somewhat restrictive and it’s not something I’ve got enough experience to comment on.
EDIT: I’ve just seen the examples you linked to do actually use the File System Access API
Hi @neil!
Thanks for your input. The main reason why I don’t like the file picker solution (yet) is that it’s not (yet) cross-platform and e.g. not working for Firefox (see your link). Also, binary files make everything a lot more complicated.
As far as I understand there are certain callbacks available you can trigger right in the python code.
So let’s say you run your code, buffer the df as a simple JS array in a global variable and trigger some custom JS download function, e.g. with some third party libraries handling the more sophisticated blob operations.
Else, I have a hack in mind (I’d prefer rather not to use):
“buffer” my df in the DOM as e.g. the value of a hidden input field or similar (e.g. csv format)
add some kind of on_change listener in JS (might be hacky to make this work however as it’s not user input)
trigger the above mentioned JS (native) function reading the input value with a third party library and converting csv to any binary format like xlsx
But that’s quite hacky and I really don’t like all the back and forth conversion of non-binary to binary.
I already opened an issue on GitHub as I see the need for better documentation on file handling in general.
If you find any other good examples (or hacks) let me know!
There are several APIs that you can use. Those are the same APIs that JavaScript applications use. However, all APIs require a user gesture, such as clicking a button, to initiate a file save. No browser-based applications can write to the local file system themselves. The browser performs the actual write operation.
Do you have any hint for a convenient cross-browser API or any examples?
The user action is fine for my use case but I’d like it to work on all devices.