Introducing, PyScript! ⟨py⟩

the million dollar question.
on it claims:
Python with JavaScript: Bi-directional communication between Python and Javascript objects and namespaces”
lol whatever.

What do you mean? If you looking for “Bi-directional communication between Python and Javascript objects and namespaces” it is already solved by pyodide type conversion (see link above)

I Love this!!! :white_heart::white_heart::white_heart: Can’t wait to start using it and contributing!

How to decrease runtime process in pyscript?

I’m trying to connect to pinotdb using connect(host=url,port=80, path=query/sql, scheme=‘http’)
but it gives error.
Is there any possible way to connect to remote databases?

No, pintodb relies on requests which can not be run in PyScript as it relies on access to OS APIs / sockets and you can not do that in a web browser.

Maybe some day in the future someone will develop a drop in replacement to requests and you can monkey patch libraries like this, but for now the only way to connect to external APIs is to use something like pyfetch and code the logic of the interaction yourself.