Installing the latest versions of R and RStudio


I am new to Anaconda and followed the tutorial to create an R environment and run RStudio in Anaconda Navigator. When I did so, I noticed that the versions of R and RStudio are 3.6.1 and 1.1.456, respectively. I know, though, that the latest versions of R and RStudio are 4.2.0 and 2022.02.3, respectively. Is there a way to use these more recent versions in Anaconda Navigator (or Conda)?

Sincerely, Dale


from ktsh.tanaka.2020 to Dale_Rothman

Nice to meet you.

In the case of Anaconda, we are using the redistributed version of, so it is easy to get older versions.
However, there is a way to use a newer version than the one you downloaded.

  1. Use conda update rstudio and conda update R-Language.
    The current version is the one you wrote.

  2. Rstudio and R-Language directly, not in the anaconda repository
    as well as
    Download the RStudio IDE - RStudio
    Download from and use.
    However, do not put it in the Anacoda directory, and use only the calculation result in Anacoda.

In particular, method 2 is recommended.

regards, you.

I use R v4.2.1 and current RStudio on macOS 12.6. I installed conda or Anaconda (I’ve forgotten details), and now RStudio opens, but RStudio About and Preferences give nothing, and asking, in an R script that I’ve run many times in the past, that a standard library be loaded (e.g. library(rtracklayer)) simply returns nothing. I would like (need) to be able to run RStudio again.

If I re-install R (v4.2.1) and RStudio (2022.07.2+576), I see the same awkward behaviour. But if I launch, library(rtracklayer) or library(dplyr) appear to run correctly.