OSError Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[17], line 2
1 from cantera.ck2yaml import convert_mech
----> 2 convert_mech(
3 input_file=‘USC_Mech_ver_II.txt’,
4 thermo_file=‘thermdat.txt’,
5 transport_file=‘trandat.txt’,
6 out_name=‘mech.yaml’,
7 permissive=True,
8 )
File ~\anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\cantera\ck2yaml.py:2177, in convert_mech(input_file, thermo_file, transport_file, surface_file, phase_name, extra_file, out_name, single_intermediate_temperature, quiet, permissive)
2173 def convert_mech(input_file, thermo_file=None, transport_file=None,
2174 surface_file=None, phase_name=‘gas’, extra_file=None,
2175 out_name=None, single_intermediate_temperature=False, quiet=False,
2176 permissive=None):
→ 2177 _, surface_names = Parser.convert_mech(
2178 input_file, thermo_file, transport_file, surface_file, phase_name,
2179 extra_file, out_name, single_intermediate_temperature, quiet, permissive)
2180 return surface_names
File ~\anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\cantera\ck2yaml.py:2071, in Parser.convert_mech(input_file, thermo_file, transport_file, surface_file, phase_name, extra_file, out_name, single_intermediate_temperature, quiet, permissive)
2069 input_file = os.path.expanduser(input_file)
2070 if not os.path.exists(input_file):
→ 2071 raise IOError(‘Missing input file: {0!r}’.format(input_file))
2072 try:
2073 # Read input mechanism files
2074 parser.load_chemkin_file(input_file)
OSError: Missing input file: ‘USC_Mech_ver_II.txt’
The last error is where im having problems in knowing where to find the info. I believe I have the text files but I can’t use them or it cant find them.