Error message when launching Anaconda Jupyter Notebook on macOS Ventura (jupyter_mac.command can't be opened)


When we open Anaconda and launch Jupyter Notebook from the Anaconda Navigator we get the error message '“jupyter_mac.command” can’t be opened because (null) is not allowed to open documents in Terminal"
(screenshot attached)

How can we fix this?
(running on macOS Ventura)



I can’t tell for sure based on the error message returned, but this looks like a permissions issue on your machine with running applications from the command prompt(terminal window).

I would have your IT team look into this issue for you, if possible.


Thanks for the response.
Yes, I am the IT lab administrator for Macs at Rice University.

For this year’s Anaconda 2023.03-1 PKG installer unlike last year it where it automatically installed in /opt/anaconda3 it defaults to installing at the User profile level.

The error message does not happen when installed at the default User level with the pkg.
But we need to install at system wide level so that other users can run the program.

So we then tried using the silent installer and specified the location /opt/anaconda3: -b -p /opt/anaconda3

When installed above via the Terminal the resulting install does not show the error when launching Jupyter notebook. So that works when installed interactively.

But when we deploy the package via central deployment (Jamf) which runs the exact script line: -b -p /opt/anaconda3

or if we do a Composer capture and then deploy via that method

it is then that the error occurs with the '“jupyter_mac.command” can’t be opened because (null) is not allowed to open documents in Terminal".

Our current work around has been to assign via swda the .command extension to the third party app iTerm instead of Terminal and then Anaconda Navigator works fine for launching Jupyter Notebook.

But basically the Anaconda installer, both PKG and the silent installer, do not seem to be optimized for lab deployment as the PKG when deployed via Jamf fails because it still wants to install at a user profile level and even the silent installer errors out when deploying through Jamf since the script has a $HOME variable that does not exist when deploying in a non-interactive manner. To make it work I had to modify the Anaconda silent installer script to change line 28 PREFIX variable from $HOME to something else so that the script would not try to parse the $HOME variable and fail.

If you have any advise or links on the how the Anaconda pkg or silent installers can be centrally deployed in a lab environment through management tools (Like Jamf, Intune, Kandji, etc) that would be great!

Thank you.


Hello Fernando,

This appears to be a specific bug on Mac-OS Ventura systems.

It is documented on Apple’s forum here:

A potential workaround for this issue is documented on this stackoverflow thread: