Download problem

I’m looking to use Python with Numpy. Numpy advise using Anaconda to download all the necessary components. I’m using the ‘Download’ link [] on the ‘Download Now’ page [Download Now | Anaconda].
What I’m repeatably downloading is a non-executable crdownload type file (screen grab attached). I can’t see what I’m doing wrong. Guidance would be much appreciated. Many thanks.

Hello Malcomc,

I think you are close to the correct steps to the steps to install Anaconda3. However, when I download the link you provided, I receive the .exe package and not the .crdownload file you are showing. I would just make sure that you have admin privileges on your Windows computer when downloading and installing Anaconda3.

I will put a support article that gives more step by step information to installing Anaconda3 than the ‘Download Now’ page.

Installing on Windows

If you still have issues could you provide which type of Windows OS you are using? Is it Windows 10 or 11?

I hope this information helps.