Application Launch Error, Application notebook launch may have produced errors, Exit Code: 1

Continuing the discussion from Jupyter Launching error:

Hello @Muhammad_Baqir,

I am having the same issue when accessing any module in Anaconda Navigator. I researched and found a recommended solution on Stack Overflow that did not work for me, but others have had success (conda install ipykernel --update-deps --force-reinstall). Run the code in an anaconda terminal.

Steps I took:
(1) Uninstalled and reinstalled the individual edition (non-admin)
(2) Received a message Successfully installed
(3) Open Anaconda Navigator successfully
(4) Clicked on Juypter Launch Button
(5) Received a popup box that states Application Launch Error, Application notebook launch may have produced errors, Exit Code: 1.

Additional Information:
I am running on Windows 11.

I need a solution quickly. I would greatly appreciate any help, advice, or recommendation.


Has the problem been solved ?

I am also still facing the same error still now. Please help me to solve this issue.

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dear ghanumath16.

Thank you for your contribution to the anaconda community.
In the case of Windows 11, CMD.exe has been changed to PowerShell.exe, so some anomalies have been reported.

However, there is a report that it was solved by the following method.

I heard that the most important point was that the solutions with high scores were effective.

If possible, I would appreciate it if you could reply after experimenting with that method.

Best regards