Having a hard time changing Anaconda.Navigator font size on Windows 11
So far I opened the file anaconda-navigator.ini from preferences menu. Then, I change the line enable_high_dpi_scaling = False which was originally True. Finally, I included the line set qt_scale_factor = 2. Obviously it did not work because I do not have any idea of what I am doing.
I would deeply appreciate any input on this issue.
By the way I installed Anaconda-Navigator 2.3.2
Thankyou so much for your help
did u figure it out yet, that how to decrease anaconda navigator font size?
To all:
I am using Anaconda3 in Ubuntu in a WSL2 environment on a Windows 11 box.
After installing QT6, by adding the following lines to my .bashrc file, I was able to at least get some apps to work, and Anaconda-Navigator, to change the font size. The only setting that seems to work for me is “xcb”. I still get the can’t find Wayland message. I hope this helps.
export QT_FONT_DPI=150
export QT_QPA_PLATFORM_PLUGIN_PATH=$HOME/anaconda3/lib/qt6/plugins/platforms
export QT_QPA_PLATFORM=xcb
$HOME/anaconda3/lib/qt6/plugins/platforms contains the following files:
libqlinuxfb.so libqminimal.so libqoffscreen.so libqvnc.so libqxcb.so
To all:
Has anyone already figured out how to cntrol (increase!) the font size in the navigator?
Motti Mushkin
to figure this out the problem of high DPI display. This can be done by unclicking the Enabling High DPI display Scaling in preference section. In order to do this first you need to turnoff automatically hide the taskbar (right click on task bar>click on task bar behaviours>turn off it) then you will be able to see (by scrolling) an option of apply and make the required changes. And restart the session. And you are good to go.
Best Wishes