Hi there,
Curious if Python in Excel can lemmatize and/or stem. I have tried to import some libraries, such as ‘from nltk.stem import WordNetLemmatizer’. However, it asks me to download the library… Not sure addl Python libraries are an option for Excel?
August 9, 2024, 9:30pm
At this time there are a fixed number of corpora pre-downloaded with nltk in Python in Excel.
The details are on this page .
The following corpora are pre-loaded for use with Python in Excel: brown, punkt, stopwords, treebank, vader, and wordnet2022. License: Apache v2.
Here’s an example of stemming which I mocked up in Python in Excel:
from nltk.stem import PorterStemmer, LancasterStemmer, SnowballStemmer
porter_stemmer = PorterStemmer()
lancaster_stemmer = LancasterStemmer()
snowball_stemmer = SnowballStemmer("english")
words = ["running", "ran", "easily", "fairly"]
data = []
for word in words:
"Word": word,
"PorterStemmer": porter_stemmer.stem(word),
"LancasterStemmer": lancaster_stemmer.stem(word),
"SnowballStemmer": snowball_stemmer.stem(word)
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
As for lemmatizing with wordnet, I ran into an issue with my first attempt so I will explore further how to make it work.