I installed Anaconda Pro and then added the conda-forge channel.
When I run “conda update conda” I get some odd messages:
Everything is up to date but I’m wondering if this is normal or if maybe I should do some kind of cleanup so this doesn’t happen?
dear Daniel_Codiga.
Thank you for your contribution to the anaconda community.
It may appear in the early stages of adding “conda-forge”.
In order to solve this problem, it may be solved by doing “anaconda login” and then adding “conda-forge”.
Best regards.
Can you explain in a little more detail what you mean by doing “anaconda login” and then adding “conda-forge”?
I added the conda-forge channel, following the quickstart instructions for Anaconda Pro. So conda-forge appears in my .condarc file now, and I am getting packages from it.
Thank you.
dear Daniel_Codiga.
thank you for your reply.
Can you explain in a little more detail what you mean by doing “anaconda login” and then adding “conda-forge”?
This was really a package issue.
There is a package called “plotly 5.10.0”, but you can find it by referring to the following URL.
As shown, follow these steps:
Authentication Prerequisites
anaconda login
To install this package run one of the following:
conda install -c plotly plotly
conda install -c “plotly/label/test” plotly
Some repositories such as “conda-forge” are not able to download properly if you are not a registered user.
I think that’s what I wanted to convey.
Best regards.