Upgraded Anaconda navigator not working right

I’m new to anaconda, I pushed the uprade option when I opened anaconda navigator form the command line on ubuntu 20, and now when I try to launch either app of the navigator (spyder, jupyter notebook , etc) it opens Youtube music app.
It also stoped working The ubuntu software center.

It worked well on the first start, but then I tried to start some other app on it and this happened. It doesnt give any error message at all. It simply starts Youtube Music app, as if it where linked to it somehow.
Any thoughts?


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Nice to meet you.
For your ubuntu20, chrome is the default setting and the youtube option yotube music is the browser default.

In order to solve the problem, it is good to refer to the following URL.

In the case of Anaconda navigator, the default browser of OS settings will start (of course, if you do not change config etc …).

If you want to avoid that situation and use Jupyter such as Anacoda, we recommend firefox.

Never try to upgrade Anaconda Navigator, it doesn’t work. If you’re fortunate enough to have a version installed that works, just leave it alone. Don’t go anywhere near the upgrade button.