Rural families and public policy vs. the global development agenda in a developing country - Case study Cerca-la-source, Haiti

Based on this data info:
(SDG 2) (SDG 3) (SDG 4) (SDG 6) (SDG 7) (SDG 8) (SDG 9) Factors infl_cing SDG lack
0 0 0 0 21 25 47 Lack_of_gov_support, Credit
38 5 24 513 0 208 110 Ins. Health funding, NGO heg
570 503 0 0 0 40 572 lack of gov subsidy program
0 0 418 112 0 108 108 Lack_of_political_will
0 0 0 422 0 0 102 ins. water treatment
439 544 605 0 0 607 40 Scarce_business_resources
0 0 0 0 1026 31 68 Limited Gov investment
Sample size: 1047; Based on this data info:
(SDG 2) (SDG 3) (SDG 4) (SDG 6) (SDG 7) (SDG 8) (SDG 9) Factors influencing SDGs´s lack
0 0 0 0 21 25 47 Lack_of_gov_support & Credit
38 5 24 513 0 208 110 Ins. Health funding & NGO heg
570 503 0 0 0 40 572 lack of gov subsidy programs
0 0 418 112 0 108 108 Lack_of_political_will
0 0 0 422 0 0 102 ins. water treatment
439 544 605 0 0 607 40 Scarce_business_resources
0 0 0 0 1026 31 68 Limited Gov investment

Analyse the relationship between each SDG as dependent variable (Y) and the independent variables, where X1 to X7 are the independent variables influencing the lack of SDG access
X1= lack of government support for agriculture improvement, deficient infrastructure, lack of access to credit
X2= insufficient funding for health facilities, a shortage of medical personnel, and NGO hegemony identified as significant challenges
X3= inadequate school infrastructure and a lack of government subsidy programs for education
X4= lack of political will and high costs of electricity
X5= insufficient water treatment facilities and lack of follow-up on projects announced by NGOs
X6= scarce availability of resources to start a business and lack of access to credit
X7= poor road conditions and limited government investment, under a multiple regression model. Also explain the correlation between SDG 2 & SDG 9; SDG 3 & SDG 6; SDG 4 & SDG 8

Analyse the relationship between each SDG as dependent variable (Y) and the independent variables, where X1 to X7 are the independent variables influencing the lack of SDG access
X1= lack of government support for agriculture improvement, deficient infrastructure, lack of access to credit
X2= insufficient funding for health facilities, a shortage of medical personnel, and NGO hegemony identified as significant challenges
X3= inadequate school infrastructure and a lack of government subsidy programs for education
X4= lack of political will and high costs of electricity
X5= insufficient water treatment facilities and lack of follow-up on projects announced by NGOs
X6= scarce availability of resources to start a business and lack of access to credit
X7= poor road conditions and limited government investment, under a multiple regression model. Also explain the correlation between SDG 2 & SDG 9; SDG 3 & SDG 6; SDG 4 & SDG 8