Permissions issues with conda clean?

I have recently done a new install of the miniconda on our Linux HPC cluster (Running Rocky), for the people in my group. Conda is now version: 23.5.0

We have one miniconda installation for all our conda environment. All users from the group can install environments, if they want too.

Now I run into two problems and I describe the first here. The other one is in Thread: XXXXX

I have had now two times that a user has installed an environment, and after that I can not set-up and environment, without running

conda clean -i

however when I do that, I get this permissions issue:

 conda clean -i
Will remove 1 index cache(s).
Proceed ([y]/n)? y

WARNING: cannot remove, file permissions: /cluster/projects/nn9305k/src/miniconda/pkgs/cache

but when I check the permissions for that directory, I find this:

drwxrwsr-x   2 evezeyl    nn9305k        0 Jun 21 13:00 cache

which suggests that all people in our group nn9305k have read, write, execute access. So why is conda complaining about permissions? I can delete the cache folder, and it is created again when I use conda to build environments.

Anybody with an idea on how to resolve this?

The relate issue is to my installation is: After each new environment I need to run conda clean, why?

In addition, there is also issues with removing packages like this:

Will remove 246 (1.40 GB) package(s).
Proceed ([y]/n)? y

WARNING: cannot remove, file permissions: /cluster/projects/nn9305k/src/miniconda/pkgs/wget-1.20.3-ha35d2d1_1
WARNING: cannot remove, file permissions: /cluster/projects/nn9305k/src/miniconda/pkgs/python-3.10.11-he550d4f_0_cpython
WARNING: cannot remove, file permissions: /cluster/projects/nn9305k/src/miniconda/pkgs/certifi-2023.5.7-pyhd8ed1ab_0

checking the permissions for these packages shows me:

drwxrwsr-x   2 evezeyl    nn9305k    0 Jun 21 13:35 wget-1.20.3-ha35d2d1_1/
drwxrwsr-x   2 hkaspersen nn9305k    0 Jun 21 13:35 python-3.10.11-he550d4f_0_cpython/
drwxrwsr-x   2 jeevka     nn9305k    0 Jun 21 13:35 certifi-2023.5.7-pyhd8ed1ab_0/

But linux shows no permissions issue, so what is conda doing here?

What is even more interesting, is that I can not change the permissions of the files owned by other users:

chmod: changing permissions of 'miniconda/pkgs/libpng-1.6.39-h753d276_0': Operation not permitted

How is that possible if we are from the same group?