Launcher Error Unhandled error

complete newbie here, but everytime I try to open a terminal on anaconda cloud I get Launcher Error. Unhandled error. Any helps to what I can do??

I know you posted this almost a year ago, but in case anyone else hasn’t found a solution,

Use the command
SET SHELL=C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe
in a command prompt terminal.

Ah after actually looking at this I’ve found out that this only works if you run this command in a command prompt terminal every time and then run the jupyter terminal through the command prompt terminal as well. If you want a fix that doesn’t require you to run it this way everytime, watch the latter half of this video:

While its main focus is for a different purpose, it covers the topic and has a working solution.

If this doesn’t work, I apologize. I too am just a beginner with very little understanding of this issue or how to fix it, but this mostly worked for me.