Issue with using a software named MFIX which using Anaconda

Hello, I am using a software named MFIX to perform CFD simulation. It used ANACONDA DISTRIBUTION to run it. There is an option through which we can use SMP (shared memory parallel) to use required no of cores for simulation . For this, we have to build a solver and the process is pretty simple. But as i try to build a solver, the system shows an error that there is some issue with FORTRAN COMPILER and the system is unable to compile the request.
I am attaching a screenshot of the error i have been facing. Can someone from the community please guide me through this.

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dear sayyam_chopra.

Thank you for your contribution to the anaconda community.

This issue was also posted on StackOverFlow 6 years ago and I thought it was already a resolved issue.

Basically it’s also a simple cmake gui or script issue, but it’s solved by fixing the automatically generated cmake script.
I would appreciate it if you could refer to the following URL for reference.

Best regards.