Installation Error 'failed to create menus'

I am trying to install “Anaconda3-2021.11-Windows-x86_64.exe” on my 64-bit Windows 7 SP1. I get ‘failed to create menus’ on ‘Creating Anaconda3 menus’ section of the installation.

I’ve attached the screenshot.

The problem I see is the installation create a random directory “_MEI” with random 6 digit numbers in ‘Temp’ directory and place installation files there. And it includes “python39.dll”. But before it comes to ‘Creating Anaconda3 menus’ section it deletes the files in the Temp directory (that starts with “_MEI”) then searches files (searching includes for python39.dll) in that folder.

How can we solve this issue?

Do you have write permissions on your machine to the directory ‘C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Temp’ folder? Most likely you don’t - I would try copying a file to that directory. Check with your Windows system administrator too, if you still have problems. He should be able to help you with this kind of problem.

Hope this helps. I know that Windows installer problems can be very frustrating.

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Sorry for late reply.

I gave a try installing Anaconda3-2020.07-Windows-x86_64.exe and it worked. It seems the latest version I mentioned has issues.

I wish they’d fix the problem with their install procedure. I’m running an old version of Anaconda as well, which I can’t update because of this issue. I’ve tried all the suggested “solutions”, and none of them work. If they don’t support Windows 7 any more (and most software companies don’t), they should just say so. If the problem is caused by an incorrect version of Java or the JDK being found in the path, then what is the correct version? Users shouldn’t have to uninstall other software just to install their software. At the very least, the error message should be more specific and state exactly what is causing the problem. It doesn’t exactly instill a lot of confidence in their product if they can’t even get the install procedure to work properly, after all these years. Just google the error message, people have been complaining about this for a long time. Most just resort to installing an old version, like you and I did.

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