Impact of HTTP/3 hosting for PyScript?

I’m not particularly up to speed on HTTP/3 but i was wondering what the impact with PyScript might be. I guess with several aspects not being fully finalised it might be premature, but has anyone taken a preliminary look yet?

Once the biggest PyScript files are cached i guess the advantage falls away but it seems like it could help with the initial loading.

Server push and prioritisation both seem like they might help because one could make reasonable assumptions about what’s needed for the client, although unfortunately neither appears to be final yet.

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This is an interesting topic. I think almost all benefits for PyScript are achieved with HTTP/2. The impact of HTTP/3 will be minor for the target market that PyScript applications will be written for.

IMHO PyScript applications will be written to be primarily standalone and only interact with the network to fetch data, which will be stored and processed locally. I do not envision a real requirement for some of the more advanced mobile friendly features that HTTP/2 and HTTP/3 provide.

However, some genius developer might prove me wrong in the next few years.

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I agree with John that the load time issue for PyScript/Pyodide isn’t really about number of requests or other problems HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 aim at. I’m interested in some of the PWA ideas Michael Kennedy went over in his demo/video.