How to access jupyter notebook files on one computer from another

Does anyone know how to access jupyter notebook files from a different computer? I normally use my desktop computer to do all of my programming. I’ve been traveling more however and need to access the files through my laptop. I searched online but couldn’t find a solution that worked for me.

dear Sandy_Cristel_Irwin.

Thank you for your contribution to the anaconda community.

In Japan, there are people who are trying out several ways to access from outside (however, it is in Japanese, so please translate it).

Operate jupyter notebook on SSH destination server on local PC:

[JupyterNotebook] Connect remotely from outside:

Access your home PC with TeamViewer:

Another method is

  1. StarterService provided by (in this case, save on the cloud side and access from outside, at home, or at work).
  2. Save Jupyter notebooks in GoogleCloud or OneDrive, download and use them on the go.

And so on.

Best regards.

I recently switched to using Anaconda Cloud notebooks but when I log into another computer none of my folders or notebooks show up in thecloud’s leftside directory even though I made them in another computer. Can anyone direct me to if I’m missing some settings to make sure I am saving to the anaconda cloud? Thanks.