Featuring educational Python content on Anaconda homepage

Hi Anaconda Community,

I’m Dr. Maurice Maurer, and I’ve recently begun creating free educational content focused on Python, JupyterLab, and Anaconda. My videos aim to help learners effectively use these tools, including integrations with AI assistants like ChatGPT, Claude, and Anaconda Assistant.

I noticed that Anaconda.org features selected educational content on its homepage, and I’d appreciate information about:

  • The criteria for having content featured
  • The submission and review process
  • Any guidelines or requirements for educational content

As an example of my work, I’ve created a comprehensive Python course for beginners that incorporates modern AI tools: https://youtu.be/pKpZ7GOc5GY

In the interest of transparency: While these educational resources are freely available, I also offer paid Python courses for Scientists & Engineers through Training Scientists. My goal is to contribute to the Python community while being upfront about my commercial offerings.

Best regards,
Dr. Maurice Maurer
Training Scientists