Downloading Anaconda for Linux

I am a beginner in using Anaconda.
I get faced a real problem in downloading Anaconda/Miniconda for Linux on my device.
I turned on the WSL and tried to download it, but it did not work
Please could you help me?


What version of Linux are you running on WSL?

Thanks for reply
its version 2
Inline image

I am using the latest version of Ubuntu

But i still could not install Anaconda for Linux as i need to use QIIME2 program

Thanks for reply
its version 2
Inline image


Have you tried following the steps listed here to install QIIME 2 program with conda?

it is written here that"QIIME 2 is a microbiome bioinformatics platform to analyze amplicon sequence data. The installation instructions below assume that you have already installed Minicond"
I have to download Miniconda first to follow the steps, right?

So you are currently stuck at the install step? Are you getting a specific error message during the install? Can you please share that error here.

You can use either the full version of Anaconda distribution or miniconda - either one should work for you,