Anaconda Cloud - is it a complete environment?

Hello world,

I am an absolute beginner with Python.

Following some online course, I would like to use Python for AI on Anaconda Cloud.
Cloud would help me access my scripts and notebook on all my devices (due to work I use both Mac and Windows), keeping all synced.

However, I have several issues in loading some packages.
For example:

  1. DOTENV to be able to use API keys in .env files instead of displaying my private key in the code.
    (NOTE: on terminal I wrote: (base) 14:00 ~ $ conda install conda-forge::python-dotenv
    The output error was:
    EnvironmentNotWritableError: The current user does not have write permissions to the target environment.
    environment location: /opt/conda

  2. BEAUTIFULSOUP to scrape text from websites.
    The error was:
    ProxyError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host=‘’, port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /the-batch/the-world-needs-more-intelligence/ (Caused by ProxyError(‘Cannot connect to proxy.’, OSError(‘Tunnel connection failed: 403 Forbidden’)))

  3. Different environments: I am able to install them on Anaconda Distributor, but on Anaconda Cloud I find myself always in the base environment.

SO, my question is: is Anaconda Cloud a complete Python experience, and my failure to use it is just related to my inexperience? Or, on the other hand, Anaconda Cloud is a “lite” version of “Anaconda distributions”?

Could you also suggest some ways to solve the errors I showed you?

Thank you for your help.
