I had been trying to use Spyder 5.1.5 for Python debugging but it never seem to behave as expected. I learned from elsewhere that later versions of Spyder seemed to have corrected this behavior. But when I tried upgrading via “conda update spyder”, the newer version (5.5.1) seem to have many complaints and never came up.
It appeared that setting QT_PLUGIN_PATH did help somewhat, but I continued to get the message “Could not find QtWebEngineProcess.exe”. I went as far to issue conda remove for qt5 and pyqt5 and to install them again. I confirmed that other Python code I’ve written using PyQt5 works after this, but Spyder continues to complain about QtWebEngineProcess.exe. Note that this executable is present in c:\users<userid>\Anaconda3\Library\bin and that path is in the PATH environment variable.
I’ve been reading where the best results occur when one re-installs Anaconda, but that seems a bit drastic. Any suggestions on what could be causing this and what might resolve this Spyder initialization problem?