I am a new user going through panda training. The following steps I did are listed below. I have researched this issue in stackoverflow and on many other sites. Also, I did not see this issue listed when using the search utility on this site. Any other suggestions besides reinstalling my OS?
win7 64-bit PC install of Anaconda3-2021.11-Windows-x86_64.exe
- I have uninstalled all python versions
- I have uninstalled any and all java/jre versions
- I saved my SYSTEM and user PATH variables in a text file. Made both paths empty (used sysdm.cpl and set both to a semi-colon)
- Confirm setting of PATH by opening up a dos shell issuin “echo %PATH%”. Path is not set.
- I disabled my only anti-virus program → MS Essentials
- Made sure to uninstall previous failed attempts and rebooted the computer as directed
- Installed as Administrator
- In install, I installed for all users
- In install, I accepted all default settings
- Logging suggests that extracting the python dll failed. It was looking for python39.dll under my user directory (no python dll exists under any Local\Temp directory)
Logging snippet below:
Extract: anaconda-2021.11-py39_0.tar.bz2
Error loading Python DLL ‘C:\Users\Mike\AppData\Local\Temp_MEI48202\python39.dll’.
Eventually error-ed out saying that it cannot create menus…