Issue updating conda in prompt (new user)

I am trying to update conda. I opened anaconda prompt as administrator, wrote ‘conda update conda’ and then it asked me to input y/n based on the packages which were to be installed. After this it is displaying :

Proceed ([y]/n)? y

Downloading and Extracting Packages:

Preparing transaction: done
Verifying transaction: done
Executing transaction: done

(base) C:\Windows\System32>L “C:\Users\lenovo\anaconda3\condabin..\Scripts\conda.exe” update conda
‘L’ is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

How do I resolve this? Please help, I am new to conda

I’m oddly enough running into the same issue, this is probably the 3rd time anaconda navigator decided it didn’t want to function in my sys envs. I got the same error. trying a different terminal method, it gave me this error
Executing transaction: | C:\USERS\AppData\Local\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\menuinst\platforms\ UserWarning: Quick launch menus are not available for system level installs
warnings.warn(“Quick launch menus are not available for system level installs”)
Terminal profiles are not available for system level installs. Im probably going to reinstall and call it a day.
I would love to know if someone is also finding this error and if they know what might be going on…

Hi Sir,
I am facaing the same issue as you.
Terminal profiles are not available for system level installs while installing anaconda it shows . Due to this error I am unable to fetch github path.
Please guide if you have already solved your error or any humble reply from community will be appreciated.


I have the same issue, " Terminal profiles are not available for system level installs"