Greenlet module in Anaconda Code?

I am trying to install the greenlet module in Anaconda Code, but it doesn’t show. I guess that this is because it’s not a Pure Python package.
Would it be possible to make this very useful module available?

greenlet is written in C/C++, so it would need to be compiled to target WASM.

However, it looks like it might modify the underlying interpreter, which might require modifications to pyodide. The easiest way to request this is to open a new Issue on the pyodide repo (Issues · pyodide/pyodide · GitHub), but there is quite a long backlog of requested packages.

What are you hoping to accomplish with greenlets?

Thanks for the answer. I will fill my request to the pyoide team.

I’m using optionally greenlet in my discrete event simulation package salabim (

I opened an issue on the pyodide GitHub repo and this is the response:

Well greenlet definitely cannot be built in any direct way for webassembly. The best bet would be to make something based on JSPI, maybe based on the approach that pypy uses to support Greenlet. But it would take a fair amount of effort to get it working I think.

Not very promising …

What are you hoping to accomplish with greenlets?
I am (optionally) using greenlet in my discrete event simulation package salabim ( It makes the code easier without the need for yield statements.