Download & Installing Extension Bundles

My computer operating system is Window 7, I installed ANACONDA on it successfully, and I tried to download and install Extension Bundles without success. Kindly give me step-by-step of what to do. Thanks

Oluyinka Ojedokun

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dear Oluyinka_Ojedokun.

thank you for your posting.
In the case of windows7, it does not work unless it is python3.8 or earlier.
Therefore, create an environment for python3.8 with the following procedure.

First, open anaconda navigator and select anaconda cmd. Then a terminal will open and you will see something like this:

So run the following command:

(base) D: \user<any path name>\conda create --name py38 python=3.8

The created environment can be used by activating it with conda activate environment name.

The created environment can be used by activating it with conda activate environment name.

(base) D:\User<any path name>\ conda activate py38
(py38)D:\User<any path name>

If the environment is created in this way, the extension will be installed even in windows7.

However, the default anaconda-navigator cannot launch it with a GUI.

You need to install anaconda for windows7 to start with GUI.
You can solve this by installing anaconda 2020.11 or earlier from the URL below.

Regards, you.